Saturday, July 25, 2015

#SpedChatSaturday B2S

Good Morning All!!!
Today is a very exciting day it is the first of the #SpedChatSaturday Back to School edition hosted by Ashley from Lattes, Lesson Plans, and IEPs.

To Do: 
My list of To Do's all center around me being more proactive, from planning and material prep, to being involved at my new school.  Overall just my being more accountable to myself :)

Ways to Organize:
I am moving to a new school and new classroom this year.  I am bringing with me all of my personal stuff that I have come to collect over the last four years and all I know about the stuff in my classroom is that there is a lot of it.  So my goal is to organize and label everything, that way I know what I actually have and what I will need in the future.  Also I want my classroom staff to be aware of when there will be IEP's and other important dates for data input, etc. So they will know when I will be out or that way they can help :)

My wishes I am realizing go along with my anxiety.  I am currently on Maternity leave until Labor Day, which I am loving the time with all three of my children and looking forward to taking my son to his first day of 1st grade.  But I worry about my classroom and students, since my students go back on Monday, yes this Monday :/


Time Management:
I think this is a tricky one for anyone who is a teacher. Time always seems to be gone before I know it. My main focus this year is to ask for help.  I have had a wide range of assistant support.  Some who don't want to help they show up right before the bell and leave as soon as the last student is on the bus, others who are begging for more stuff to do.  So this year I am going to focus of delegating and asking for help.

This is a promise I am making to myself.  I need to remember to do the best with what I have.  Everything always turns out in the end, I just need to trust the process.  Easier said than done, but I am going to try really hard.

Thanks for joining me for the first #Spedchat, I hope you enjoyed and I look forward to reading what all of you are up to for B2S :)

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