Friday, July 31, 2015

New Products and a SALE!!!!

It's that time of year again!!! Back to School.

My school is on an alternative calendar so we are already back to school.  I have been using my maternity leave to work on a few new TpT products that I am actually using in my classroom this year. However, since I am on leave I do not have any pictures of them actually in use, so I promise I will get pictures when I go back in September.

Now on to my new products.  I have been with all things chalkboard and very bright colors.  So this led  to my chalkboard themed posters.  In my store you will find sets for the Alphabet, Colors, and Numbers, there is also a bundle containing all the sets.  So you can pick and choose if you want 1,2, or all of them. They will all be on sale, as will all my products.    
I hope you all like them as much as I do :)

Saturday, July 25, 2015

#SpedChatSaturday B2S

Good Morning All!!!
Today is a very exciting day it is the first of the #SpedChatSaturday Back to School edition hosted by Ashley from Lattes, Lesson Plans, and IEPs.

To Do: 
My list of To Do's all center around me being more proactive, from planning and material prep, to being involved at my new school.  Overall just my being more accountable to myself :)

Ways to Organize:
I am moving to a new school and new classroom this year.  I am bringing with me all of my personal stuff that I have come to collect over the last four years and all I know about the stuff in my classroom is that there is a lot of it.  So my goal is to organize and label everything, that way I know what I actually have and what I will need in the future.  Also I want my classroom staff to be aware of when there will be IEP's and other important dates for data input, etc. So they will know when I will be out or that way they can help :)

My wishes I am realizing go along with my anxiety.  I am currently on Maternity leave until Labor Day, which I am loving the time with all three of my children and looking forward to taking my son to his first day of 1st grade.  But I worry about my classroom and students, since my students go back on Monday, yes this Monday :/


Time Management:
I think this is a tricky one for anyone who is a teacher. Time always seems to be gone before I know it. My main focus this year is to ask for help.  I have had a wide range of assistant support.  Some who don't want to help they show up right before the bell and leave as soon as the last student is on the bus, others who are begging for more stuff to do.  So this year I am going to focus of delegating and asking for help.

This is a promise I am making to myself.  I need to remember to do the best with what I have.  Everything always turns out in the end, I just need to trust the process.  Easier said than done, but I am going to try really hard.

Thanks for joining me for the first #Spedchat, I hope you enjoyed and I look forward to reading what all of you are up to for B2S :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

New School Year...New Blog Design :)

Hello All,

Welcome to my new blog design, isn't it pretty?  I am so in love with it.  I was very lucky to connect with my fellow #SpedTribe member Ashley from Lattes, Lesson Plans & IEPs.  She does amazing work and is so nice. I highly recommend asking her for help if you are looking to start a blog or update your blog. Below is a picture of here awesome work 

As you may remember from my previous post I told you all about how where I would be teaching this coming school year was up in the air.  Well I am happy to say that I have accepted a job at one ofthe smaller   schools in my district.  I will be still be teaching Developmental Preschool, so I am excited to be in my fifth year teaching this grade level, I love being with my little kids.  

It has been a little strange accepting this job while I was pregnant.  My new school is on an alternative school calendar, but has it's pluses and minuses.  One of the minuses is that today was the first day of school for students.  Plus is that the students and staff get two week breaks in October and March, which I think staff and students need at those points in the year.  I have never taught on this calendar so I am excited to see how it goes and I will let you all know what I think.

I wanted to thank all of you for still reading while I have been bad about not blogging.  As you may remember I was pregnant with baby #3.  While I am excited to say that she joined us in this big world in a very fast way on June 29. We are all adjusting to being a family of five, but it has been so much fun.
Here is a picture of my new bundle of joy.

Until next time😀

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Relaxing Summer??... Wait what is that?

Hello all!!!!
Sorry for the long time in between posts, I really need to get better at this whole blogging world.
So my summer vacation officially started last week.  I had to spend the last few days of school packing my entire classroom for the movers to come and take everything to a new school.  I entered the packing with very mixed emotions.  I teach in a district based program so as I was told I belong to the district not a school😳 So as sad as my principal and I are we both had no say in the situation.  Then a week before the movers were to show up my assistant and I found out that we may not get to move with the program and we were advised to maybe see what other jobs were out there and we wouldn't know for sure until August.  

So what a way to start my summer and trying to relax before baby #3 arrives.  I was extremely apprehensive at the thought of applying for jobs at new schools while 8 months pregnant.  Interviews would be interesting.  But I looked through all the job openings and found two that highly interested me.  So I applied and sent off my résumé to new principals. Both responded and requested interviews.  The process was going much better than I could have imagined.  Both interview teams had no problem with my being pregnant and being gone the first few weeks of school 😯 thank goodness 

So now starts my summer of waiting.  Waiting to find out where and what I'll be teaching in the fall.  Waiting for my new little one to make her appearance.  And waiting on everything else we have in the works.  The saying goes that patience is a virtue, I guess I get to find out how patient I can be and if it really is a virtue. 

Ah, any way welcome to summer all teachers. I wish everyone a very relaxing summer 😊 I promise my next post won't be so far off.

Thanks for reading!!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Missing in Action

Hi all!!!
Sorry I know that I have been absent from my brief stint in the blogging world, life has take a few strange twists and turns since I decided to start this blog.

First, I was a little surprised to find out at the end of October that I am pregnant with our third child.  This took us, as well as our families by surprise, but that saying "You make plans and God laughs" has come true in our life.  We found out last month that our newest edition will be a little girl joining her two older brothers. We couldn't be more excited for our newest edition to make her arrival this summer. No one more than me as this has not been the most pleasant pregnancy for me :/

Second, we had our youngest son evaluated for Early Intervention, due to our speech concerns.  He qualified and started to receive Speech once a week for an hour.  We love the therapist he has and are happy to report he is catching on very quickly.  We still have a long road ahead of us but I know he capable of overcoming this delay.

Lastly,  My husband started a new job.  Luckily he now has a work schedule where he can take the boys in the morning and is home for dinner and on weekends and holidays.  This is new for us, so we are adjusting to being a family with an actual normal schedule.  This has been different and challenging for all four of us in our own ways.

I am hoping to get back into a more regular blogging routine, as my classroom has definitely been having some sweet and sassy moments this school year.

Thanks for reading and stay sweet!!