Saturday, March 14, 2015

Missing in Action

Hi all!!!
Sorry I know that I have been absent from my brief stint in the blogging world, life has take a few strange twists and turns since I decided to start this blog.

First, I was a little surprised to find out at the end of October that I am pregnant with our third child.  This took us, as well as our families by surprise, but that saying "You make plans and God laughs" has come true in our life.  We found out last month that our newest edition will be a little girl joining her two older brothers. We couldn't be more excited for our newest edition to make her arrival this summer. No one more than me as this has not been the most pleasant pregnancy for me :/

Second, we had our youngest son evaluated for Early Intervention, due to our speech concerns.  He qualified and started to receive Speech once a week for an hour.  We love the therapist he has and are happy to report he is catching on very quickly.  We still have a long road ahead of us but I know he capable of overcoming this delay.

Lastly,  My husband started a new job.  Luckily he now has a work schedule where he can take the boys in the morning and is home for dinner and on weekends and holidays.  This is new for us, so we are adjusting to being a family with an actual normal schedule.  This has been different and challenging for all four of us in our own ways.

I am hoping to get back into a more regular blogging routine, as my classroom has definitely been having some sweet and sassy moments this school year.

Thanks for reading and stay sweet!!