Sunday, July 30, 2017

Where in the WORLD Have I Been?

Oh my goodness I have not blogged since 2015, is that really true?????

I knew that it had been a long time, but did not remember that it had been that long.  So below I am going to explain why I have been MIA and what my upcoming plans are.

Image result for where in the world is carmen sandiego
Where in the World have I been?

Things have been really crazy in my life and I am so sorry I have not been on here in FOREVER.  Besides having three small kids, I have switched my teaching focus.  I am currently teaching at a charter school teaching the boys K-1-2 class.  While this is not the self-contained special education class I had always envisioned myself in, I really love it.  I teach in a full inclusion school so I have anywhere from 2 or more IEP students in my class. So I get the best of both worlds, also I am teaching at the school my boys go to.

Image result for grad school
Yup this too.

This is the other reason I have not been around.  I decided that waiting until my kids were older to go back to grad school would just make it harder when that time came.  I was always thinking about it, so I decided no time like the present.  I am currently in the home stretch of my 3rd of 13 classes.  While there are days I wonder what in the world am I doing, I know that  when I finish in 2019 I will be over the moon. 

So thank you for keeping up on my old posts and I promise that I will be much more active.  I hope that everyone has had as much fun and excitement as I have the last two years.  

See you soon!!!